midsumma celebration
National Tree Day
Last Sunday, July 31, was National Tree Day. While some groups planted 100’s of trees, we planted just one: a carefully chosen Eucalyptus crenulata. We will be able to see…
Read MoreToday, October 16 is World Food Day
In Australia, when it comes to food we are so fortunate. There is an abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables, the range of foods is enormous, the quality is high,…
Read MoreA Prayer for New Year
Crackers pop and Catherine wheels spin where once bells would have rung to declare New Year has begun. Here in this bright, shiny time we have, again, the chance to…
Read MoreSeptember 21 – Be Heard!
MELBOURNE When: 11am, Sunday 21st September 2014 Where: Meet at State Library, march to Treasury Gardens RSVP:
Read MoreNAIDOC Week – July 6-13
NAIDOC Week is held each year in the first full week of July. It is a time to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and it is an opportunity…
Read MoreFirst Soul Craft Session coming up – June 18
“Do art, no matter how well or badly…it feeds the soul.” Kurt Vonnegut. Sit and sew, create or mend, talk and share. Come and join us to make things with…
Read MoreSorry Day
The theme for 2014 is ‘SORRY. Still Living on Borrowed Time! National Sorry Day is a very significant day for Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and particularly for…
Read MoreWinter Soul Food begins June 4
It will soon be winter. My favourite time of the year (well one of them, …for a while anyway). It is so nice to stay in, in the warmth… but…
Read MorePalm Sunday March
Australia accepts nearly 200,000 migrants each year, but only 13,750 refugees. We can afford to be more generous and accept more people fleeing persecution and life threatening situations in our…
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