We support Elizabeth Morgan House Aboriginal Women’s Service
Each year on January 26, we see Aboriginal people and our allies walk together to call for changes. For many today is a day of sadness but it is also a day of hope and solidarity.
EMH would like to acknowledge the support that we receive from the broader community including those that contribute donated funds to our work supporting Aboriginal women and children live their life free of violence. In particular we would like to thank Sister Studios and Sophia’s Spring Uniting Church for their repeated Pay the Rent donations over the past years. The contributions in 2019 from Sophia Springs and also Feminism & Decolonisation provided EMH crucial funds to provide phone credit and art supplied to our sistas inside.
If you would like to make a donation to EMH please see the link below to our GiveNow. If you have any questions about how we may use your donations, please feel free to call the office during business hours on 9403 9400 or email info@emhaws.org.au.
Your donation will allow us to respond rapidly and flexibly to keep Aboriginal families safe
GiveNow – Help keep Aboriginal families safe
Your donation will allow us to respond rapidly and flexibly to keep…