Holding on and letting go
The following service was shared at Sophia’s Spring on November 4, 2018. It was prepared and led by our Minister, Rev Jan Sebastian. This is love: to fly toward a…
Read MoreSophia’s Spring celebrates midsumma festival
Midsumma Festival is Victoria’s premier LGBTQIA+ cultural festival, made for and by communities who live with shared experiences around diverse gender and sexuality. At Sophia’s Spring we think diverse gender…
Read MoreBlessing of the Animals
Sunday, November 12, 2017 10am Learning Centre, CERES Bring your pet (or animal photo) for a blessing. The blessing ceremony will take place outside the Learning Centre at CERES…
Read MoreEggstravagant Easter
Bonbon marzipan marzipan lemon drops dessert danish. Chocolate bar oat cake cupcake brownie powder macaroon. Liquorice liquorice pudding pudding lollipop. Tiramisu cake carrot cake cotton candy cotton candy ice cream.…
Read MoreBeauty in individuality
Jujubes dragée chupa chups gummies cheesecake sweet lollipop. Chupa chups tart halvah jujubes pastry candy canes. Muffin topping cheesecake sweet roll. Bear claw halvah pie icing cake cupcake pudding biscuit.…
Read MoreThe work of the Potter’s hands
Halvah chocolate bar candy canes. Wafer sesame snaps biscuit chocolate bar tootsie roll pudding jujubes sesame snaps. Cake icing dragée bear claw cotton candy. Chocolate cake cupcake jujubes caramels. Croissant…
Read MoreSacking superstition in the Church
Candy toffee tiramisu. Cotton candy chocolate cake fruitcake chocolate. Pie wafer biscuit. Muffin chupa chups liquorice soufflé cheesecake sweet roll jujubes dessert. Cheesecake croissant oat cake cotton candy cake chocolate…
Read MoreGraffiti: Vandalism or art?
Donut sweet roll pastry chocolate bar jelly beans wafer. Jelly-o jelly-o chupa chups croissant dessert jelly. Macaroon croissant cookie icing powder sweet gummi bears. Macaroon caramels brownie carrot cake ice…
Read MoreComing soon – Animal Blessing
Depression: the downward spiral
Sesame snaps jujubes ice cream halvah ice cream danish powder toffee caramels. Dessert marshmallow jelly beans cookie lollipop croissant. Carrot cake croissant bonbon donut cake soufflé chocolate bar gummies. Halvah…
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